Mod Safe Delivery




Our delivery service is fully operational across the United States & Canada using our new MODSAFE protocol. The vast majority of our products are in stock & ready to be shipped to you from one of our local warehouses.


To help ensure the health & safety of our customers, our team, & the broader community we've introduced MODSAFE Delivery for curbside & in-home deliveries.

Delivery staff will be wearing the following:

  • Masks
  • Booties
  • Gloves

In addition, they will be carrying:

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Antibacterial Disinfecting Wipes

* Some multi-tenant buildings are restricting access to non-residents. In these cases our delivery team will deliver to the closest point to your home that they're safely able to.

Once a delivery is complete, drivers are required to practice good hygiene & use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes that contain at least 60% alcohol (when soap & water are unavailable to wash their hands). Our delivery teams have also been instructed to stay home if they show any sign of flu-like symptoms.

If you have any questions about the status of your order & would like to speak with us directly, please get in touch.


For the safety of our staff & other customers, if you have a scheduled delivery & are experiencing any flu-like symptoms please get in touch with us immediately to reschedule your delivery for a later date.